October 28, 2014: Delta Consultants Limited proudly announces their new project https://gourl.io, that is a GoUrl Crypto-Currency Payment Gateway and Url Monetiser.
GoUrl Payment Gateway cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin Dogecoin Litecoin Reddcoin Feathercoin Vertcoin Potcoin Vericoin Darkcoin Speedcoin.
Gourl.io offers two choices
– Webmasters who have their own websites can install bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies payment boxes on their websites and start to sell own website premium contents online.
– Users, who do not have their websites, can use gourl.io monetiser service online, sell their contents online through gourl.io and make money on their files, images, videos, etc.
GoUrl Online Monetiser allows members to sell their Urls, Texts, Images, Videos and Files online for cryptocoins such as Bitcoins, Litecoins, Dogecoins, etc.
Further, the site allows Cryptocoin conversion including Bitcoin conversion into US Dollars.
The best benefit is that members will find it easy to sell products for bitcoin, cryptocurrency, dogecoin, etc.
That they can do so anonymously is an additional benefit. They must first create their free GoUrl Payment Urls.
The details of the members are protected from other visitors who may try to misuse them by sharing them on the web through their
social networking sites or their forums.
In short, members can make bitcoins and other cryptocoins money online through https://gourl.io.
Delta Consultants Limited assures members that they will forward all the cryptocoins they have received from their
visitor payments to their wallet address.
What Makes Gourl.io Unique
Gourl.io is an open source website and becoming a member on this is 100% free. There are no monthly fees and the transaction fee starts from 0%.
Members can set their own prices in US Dollars for which they can use live-exchange rates. Since features like anonymous Crypto Captcha and Payment Box are there,
members need not have any apprehensions about the security aspect. This means the website is absolutely risk-free. So, members can go ahead and sell
their premium website contents confidently and make money. PHP Examples – https://gourl.io/bitcoin-payment-gateway-api.html
There are no chargebacks also. Members are provided with full statistics. Lastly, payments are accepted online.
About Delta Consultants Limited and Their New Project https://gourl.io
Delta Consultants Limited takes pride in pointing out that their software development team has been designing, developing, fielding and supporting
web applications for more than 2 decades.
– One of their projects is http://myip.ms , the daily visitors of which have exceeded 100,000 according to Alexa and that has been acknowledged as one among the 5,000 most popular websites on the Net.
– Their another project is http://gcoupon.com , that is a Global Marketplace on which thousands of various wholesale products are offered to members at discounted prices.
– They offer many addons for Google Chrome browsers also. One of the addons ishttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ip-whois-flags-chrome-web/kmdfbacgombndnllogoijhnggalgmkon
that shows the country to which a website belongs and the number of visitors visiting any world website.